11 Feb 25
Driver needed
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Can you help our foodbank by volunteering as a driver? Your task would be to collect donated food regularly from supermarkets. In return you would get to be part of a fantastic team of people helping fight food poverty in our community. Get in touch if you are interested – email [email protected], or call 020 […]
28 Jan 25
January newsletter
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Our January newsletter is full of info about what we’ve been up to, and our plans for the new year – we hope you enjoy reading it. January Newsletter
16 Dec 24
Christmas opening hours
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We are looking forward to supporting people in need over the Christmas period. We will be open as usual on Tuesdays and Fridays 10.30am – 1.30pm over the holidays, but will be closed on Friday 27th December. The team at the food bank wishes everyone in the community a safe, peaceful and happy Christmas.
23 Dec 15
6 Unexpected Things Foodbanks Need
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A visit to the food bank isn’t exactly a traditional Christmas activity, but one UK charity is asking for a little extra help this month, when demand is at its highest and families are choosing between eating and heating.